s p a c e no space @ studio 1, Weimar

s p a c e no space @ studio 1, Weimar

live sound building with pleines & liebold

Friday ∙ April 17, 2015 ∙ 8 pm & 9 pm
studio 1 ∙ Steubenstraße 6a ∙ Weimar

This should be the day of our first “s p a c e” cross-media dance performance. But in the morning Melissa, the dancer, injured her leg. Back from hospital we decided to safe the day and show excerpts from “walks” as a rear projection while turning the nobs. Enjoy the video recording:

Sounds: Ulf Pleines & Bert Liebold // Vocal Samples: Miss Is Galaxy // Visuals: Excerpt from “Walks” by Ulf Pleines

s p a c e @ momentum

s p a c e @ MOMENTUM, Berlin

cross-media performance with Melissa Palacio López (conception, choreography, dance performance, video, animation) and pleines & liebold (composition, audio, field recordings, live sound building)

Sunday ∙ 31 May 2015 ∙ 3 – 6 pm
MOMENTUM // Kunstquartier Bethanien ∙ Mariannenplatz 2 (Kreuzberg) ∙ Berlin

Melissa about »s p a c e«: “The concept of space is one of the most mysterious and deep notion that fascinates me. As it is a vast notion to analyze, I decided to delimit the area of study and consider it from three different points of view thanks to the conceptions of the french philosopher Gilles Deleuze, the philosopher and scientist Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz and the physicist Albert Einstein.
Each of them presents a perception of the concept space and I connect these three through a complete narrative as the conceptual background for the performance.”

s p a c e @ studio 1 // momentum

s p a c e @ studio 1 // momentum

s p a c e @ works on paper III // momentum

s p a c e @ works on paper III // momentum

space @ noise canteen

s p a c e @ studio 1, Weimar

cross-media performance with Melissa Palacio López (conception, choreography, dance performance, video, animation) and pleines & liebold (composition, audio, field recordings, live sound building)

Friday ∙ 17 April 2015 ∙ 8 pm & 9 pm
studio 1 ∙ Steubenstraße 6a ∙ Weimar

Melissa about »s p a c e«: “The concept of space is one of the most mysterious and deep notion that fascinates me. As it is a vast notion to analyze, I decided to delimit the area of study and consider it from three different points of view thanks to the conceptions of the french philosopher Gilles Deleuze, the philosopher and scientist Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz and the physicist Albert Einstein.

Each of them presents a perception of the concept space and I connect these three through a complete narrative as the conceptual background for the performance.”

julien bayle @ noise canteen

artist network: julien bayle

[photo (detail): Jean-Gilles Arpajou]

Born in 1976 in France, Julien Bayle started to explore sound and music around 1990 with a number of projects trying to show a different vision of music sequencing.

Working at the crossroads of visuals and sound, he seeks to merge visual art, music composition, physical approach of sound art and data visualization by creating advanced programmed installations and audio/visual live performances. He tries to show invisible things nested and hidden everywhere.

He performs under the names Protofuse and Julien Bayle.

He has been teaching digital arts at École Supérieure d’Art et de Design Marseille-Méditerrannée since 2013 focusing on Ableton Live, Max7 (formerly Max/MSP) and Max for Live as well as artistic and aesthetic. He is also an official Ableton Certified Trainer involved in programming and knowledge sharing.
Currently, he has been researching new ways of performing audio-visual live performances, building his own tools and softwares by coding alternative sequencers.

He already performed his new live project named ALPHA in Scopitone and RIAM Festival in France and will tour it in 2015 from Canada to UK and France. ALPHA involves sounds, visuals, algorithms and providing a unique experience where sounds and visuals are merged as a dense electronic matter in which the audience can deeply immerse. Its radical aesthetic is really unique and push the artist into new territories of expression.

He is collaborating with a scientific lab: LMA-CNRS (Mechanical & Acoustic Lab) and is about to start an hybrid art/science PhD.




Julien Bayle @ SoundCloud

Julien Bayle @ Vimeo

Julien Bayle @ Facebook

Julien Bayle @ Twitter

Julien Bayle @ Tumblr

matt burnett @ noise canteen

artist network: matt burnett

[photo (detail): jung/media]

audio experiments. listening experiences. structured sonic content. quadraphonia.
smart music. in tasty bites. for your sonic satisfaction.

Matt Burnett currently lives in Berlin, Germany. Presently, his interests are centered on sound creation via self-oscillating systems, and the development of a vocabulary of motion within a quadraphonic listening environment. Prior to moving to Berlin, he lived in Austin, Texas, where among many other things he created and curated a quadraphonic performance event titled “Immersion[]”.

He also releases noise music under the name “Odor Baby”, whose recording “Support Gravity” was named one of the top noise tracks of 2014 by the Village Voice.

His work with quadraphonic sound is embodied in “theCube()”,  a SuperCollider-based tool for generating sonic content in a multi-channel environment. Material generated by theCube() also comprises a stereo release titled “CatX”. theCube() has been performed in Berlin and Austin, mutating in reaction to each performance, never staying the same for very long.



Odor Baby on Facebook

Odor Baby on The Free Music Archive

Matt Burnett on Facebook

Matt Burnett on SoundCloud

Matt Burnett on Bandcamp

deployment strategies @ noise canteen

artist network: deployment strategies

Deployment Strategies still discovering their own personal sonic signature within the darkest realms of electronic. On that process they tend to let the frequencies guide the way … Vitor, audio engineer, music producer and DS’ mastermind says:

I believe that this approach is allowing to discover worlds that, in the case of me being completely in control, would have remain undiscovered.




Deployment Strategies on SoundCloud

Deployment Strategies on Bandcamp

Deployment Strategies on Twitter

Deployment Strategies on Resident Advisor

Deployment Strategies on YouTube